Question about something in Dawn of the Dead Remake that's always bugged me.

It's been years since I've watched it currently, but I remember watching when I was younger and when the group first gets to the mall, they have that run in with the zombie in the little water fountain.

During this Ving Rhames cuts his arm on a fixture in the fountain pretty badly and fall into the same water the zombie was hanging out in when they arrived.

Now the only reason it stood out to me was that they seem to overly focus on this when he gets cut on it.

I remember feeling like oh great, he's infected for sure now. But then the rest of the movie goes on and nothing ever comes from it.

I also thought maybe they just weren't going to have the virus transferrable that, but then they have the Russian woman turn from just having what I think was a light scratch, so then it just irked me and made me wonder what the hell.

Has there ever been any mention of a dropped part of the story of something regarding the focus on him cutting his arm in the fountain?

I could be remembering wrong, but I feel like it wasn't just a focus for like oh he's injured, but that it hangs for a moment as more of a LOOK WHAT JUST HAPPENED kinda thing.

submitted by /u/SSynth
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