What are some DVDs that have the best 'above and beyond' features?

In the age of streaming, I'm getting "old man shakes fist at cloud" and missing some of the features and charm that DVDs had. This includes even the basic stuff like director commentaries, bonus scenes, and blooper reels. But what I want to know here, is what DVDs had the best additional features (more than just, say, a really good commentary, but specifically things most DVDs didn't do).

Some examples of what I'm calling "above and beyond:"

  • Memento: not the regular DVD but the special edition one had a little mini-puzzle for you to solve that, if you did, the movie would play in actual chronological order

  • Final Destination 3: I only was just made aware of this one (thanks, /u/catsareniceactually), but apparently the DVD has a "choose your own adventure" feature where you can play the movie but make decisions at certain points. The first choice you get to make is whether the characters get on the roller coaster at the start or not and if you choose for them to not get on the roller coaster there's a brief scene of them walking past it and then the end credits roll.

submitted by /u/e8odie
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/15uxu6i/what_are_some_dvds_that_have_the_best_above_and/
