The Truman Show - How was it received when it originally premiered? Does anyone have personal experience/stories?

My boyfriend hadn't seen The Truman Show so I told him to fully go into it blindly. We watched it together a couple of days ago, and it was fun watching it slowly click for him. He knew nothing about it, so it was refreshing to see a genuine reaction to it.

Nowadays, reality TV is the norm but this movie was basically the pioneer. I was a kid when it came out and I had seen it multiple times on TV, so it's impossible for me to remember my first, genuine reaction to it. However, I remember reading here about a guy who watched it originally, and how he thought it would be a bad movie because the camera work was SO bad at the beginning, not realizing that that's actually the main plot.

So I'm wondering, did any of you see it when it originally came out? What did you think, how did the teathre/friends/family react? Did you go into it blindly?

It's a movie that's very dear to me so I'd love to hear some stories about it!

submitted by /u/SamaramonM
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