Native American Movies

I am sure you all have discussed this before but I'm fairly new to this place so I'm going to go ahead. I'm Mohawk, I live on the rez. My family practice our traditional ways. I'm not going to get into a debate on what constitutes our traditions. That becomes a talking point among Native folks. Anyway, I think that TV is doing a better job at this point than movies of giving a more accurate portrayal of Native people, particularly on the REZ, than movies. It's getting better in some aspects. Still not where I want to see it but I digress. So what "Native" movies do you think are the best? My favorite is Thunderheart. I love Val Kilmer and I love that film but it stinks that they didn't have someone who wasNative play his role. Dances With Wolves is great. I liked Wind River. There are a bunch of really good docs but feature films are still lacking in my view. So what are your favorites? Any other Natives in this place to chime in? And I'm not limiting this to Natives to answer. I am not trying to do that. I just always hope other Natives are around. I'm looking forward to your answers.

submitted by /u/skeezicm1981
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