What movies/franchises from the sci-fi genre did you did you find later in life, while others knew them way better? And which did you find earlier in your life considering your age?
Being born right at the beginning of the 90s outside of the series you'd think I'd have known Star Trek inside and out, same with Star Wars....but especially with Star Wars I didn't catch up until my mid 20's, personal choice after only seen the prequels. Which mind you I didn't "mind" but nothing to make me sit through 9+ films. Star Trek however became an addiction movie wise, then I was shocked when I learned films like Final Frontier wasn't in the normal of being considered "trekkie" enough or just good in any-way. Btw at that point in life I had seen Original Series and TNG in their completion. Anywho - Alien(s) and Terminator were my childhood franchises, my mother hated the f bomb but allowed cable so I was lucky on that - sadly from an adult perspective I must not have really known much as so much was edited out, to the point so was their stories. Forward in time to 2003 and I was let down that Alien was "dead" (the internet even then didn't put much trust in AvP) and Terminator 3 was a disaster (except I kinda liked what I saw at age 13-20 years later at age 33 its ok too). But yeah Alien/Terminator really got me into the genre of sci-fi but mysteriously they borderline on horror, which I know is obvious but I at the time say 1998 when I saw them on cable didn't see that. Odd child I guess. Also as far as TV shows I was always - still am an X-Files kid/person.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/13tm528/what_moviesfranchises_from_the_scifi_genre_did/
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