What moment from a kids film terrified you as a child?

I remember watching The Land Before Time as child. It was a movie a had seen numerous times. But no matter how many times I had seen it I also always terrified when they had to use Ducky as bait for Sharptooth. It was the fact that you could feel her fear through the screen. She was so little and was visibly shaking when she was hid after getting his attention. It was as if I hadn't already seen the movie and every time I thought he was gonna eat her. Also in Oliver and Company when he gets chased by the dogs in the rain. He was just a kitten who got left out in the rain and now he was getting chased by viscous dogs. I'm pretty sure there's more but I can't think of any.

submitted by /u/A_R_Finch
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/13o648g/what_moment_from_a_kids_film_terrified_you_as_a/
