What are some overused movie trailer cliches that bug you?

My personal pet peeve is when a trailer gets near the end and just starts slapping twenty famous actors' names on to screen in a big list, like it's supposed to be the most impressive and awe inspiring thing a movie has ever done. "Oh wow! Look at all the actors in this movie!"

This mostly happens in animated movie trailers but it can be live action too, and it's just so dang overused. The top two to four actors are the only ones who need billing in a trailer in my opinion. Listing off eight or more is just ridiculous

What are some trailer cliches that grind your gears?

submitted by /u/TheRealOcsiban
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/11ywmwq/what_are_some_overused_movie_trailer_cliches_that/
