Nighthawks (1981) - Stallone vs. Rutger Hauer

This is one of those late night rentals I got when I was a teenager based off the box art - and I loved every minute of it. Stallone and Billy Dee Williams play undercover NYC cops pulled from duty to track down international terrorist Rutger Hauer. That's all you need to know.

Things I love about it:

Stallone's character name: Deke DeSilva (I mean...)

Hauer's character name: Wulfgar. (I mean, come on)

Stallone was obviously like, I want to look like Serpico, and yep, he does.

Billy Dee Williams, Joe Spinell, and Nigel Davenport doing incredible supporting work.

Great use of the Roosevelt Island Tramway well before Spider-Man showcased it.

There's an early setup and then late payoff, that still holds up.

In short, it's like the French Connection meets Die Hard With a Vengeance, with a touch of DePalma.

P.S. the original trailer does the film no favors, so I decided to make a fan trailer, if you fancy a watch.

submitted by /u/dhriggs
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