What movies incorporated the “kid” character the best?

Was just watching Terminator 2 when it dawned on me just how much of a great “kid” character John was. It helps that the story was as adult and mature as it was, but I can’t help but think about just how often child characters or plot lines can drag down a movie! Some that come to mind is Child Anakin from The Phantom Menace, and more recently the kids from the new Avatar movie. Another kid that some people don’t like is from the sub-plot in Iron Man 3.

So what movies did kid characters really well? Inversely, what are some awful kid characters? What are some otherwise great movies with terrible kid characters?

submitted by /u/spaceguitar
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/zuflg4/what_movies_incorporated_the_kid_character_the/
