References to movies that have turned into common expressions

I found out the other day that my 36 yo husband has never seen the movie Groundhog Day and had no idea what the movie was about. We watched it a couple of days ago and something dawned on me. I asked him “so when someone says something like “yeah it’s like Groundhog Day,” what do you think that means?”

He said “I have no idea what that means.” Which is somehow hilarious to me bc it’s such a common expression for every day feeling the same or a repetitive experience. And I know I’ve said it to him in the past and probably other people have too, and like what did he think it meant?!

Anyway, it got me thinking—what are some other common expressions/references from movies that may whoosh over others’ heads if they aren’t familiar with the movie?

submitted by /u/lmnoknop
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