Everything Everywhere All At Once had a budget of $25m

I rewatched Everything Everywhere All At Once last night. Again, blown away. One thing that really struck me was how good all the technical categories were, eg the visual effects, cinematography, editing, sound mixing costume designs. A lot of good indie films excel on direction, screenplay, and performances, but some of the technical aspects can lack due to limited funds.

It really makes you think. A phenomenal film like that costs $25m to make, yet The Irishman costs $200m, and the de-aging CGI was already dated at the time of release. Not shitting on Scorsese or anything, but it goes to show how much of the spending in filmmaking goes to actors/name draw. $25m is quite high compared to most indie films, but a tenth of many big name films these days.

I know the reality of economics in film making, and at the end of the day it's a simple ratio of money spent vs money earned, but this film is a reminder that you don't need a ridiculous $2xxm budget to make a truely fantastic film.

submitted by /u/DankyKang91
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/zygerf/everything_everywhere_all_at_once_had_a_budget_of/
