Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became?

Honestly their are too many for me to list so here are just some criteria that makes them unworthy of a sequel or franchise. (not an exhaustive list so go ahead and share your own.)

  1. Some sequels that didn't need to be made but because of the greed of the company they made them.
  2. Some movies were contractually obligated to make a sequel or lose money.
  3. Some studios get lazy on the 3rd installment and make a subpar movie compared to the first 2. (ie. The Godfather 1 & 2, The Terminator 1 & 2, TMNT 1&2 They all had 2 great first installments but the third felt forced or unnecessarily lazy.)

Also they just made a sequel to RIPD which was a horrible train wreck and no one asked for a sequel. Seems like a contractual obligation movies to me so they wouldn't lose more money or whatever.

submitted by /u/Imposingtitle
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/z2y9ru/which_movies_do_you_believe_didnt_deserve_the/
