Weird Al's Bio-Pic

So according to critics universally who have seen the movie "weird: The Al Yankovich movie" said its one of the funniest, smartest and greatest parody project that he has ever created for his fans/audiences. The word of mouth said that Daniel Radcliffe was one of the best choices to play the lead role, who was taught how to play the accordion from Al for the film and Rainn Wilson sells the movie alongside him too

Weird Al plays a studio music producer in the movie who shaved his famous mustache for the role, but he also made his hair less curly to stand out from the lead actor. There's been mention that a lot of the takes were filmed because Al, Daniel and the other cast would frequently break out in laughter from it.

The movie has been described as Dewey Cox Walk Hard meets Walk The Line, Meets Elton John's film and a bit of UHF in how much it parodies and is a brilliantly funny satire of the bio-pic music film genre

It looks absolutely hilarious. I'm glad to see that the man himself has chosen to write it and produce but that Daniel Radcliffe studied Al's movements and music styles to fit the role. Looks to be a smash hit.

Are you excited for the film?

submitted by /u/undefeated_Equality
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