Attitude towards old movies or movies set in the old time with not the best video quality + exploring new genres and whether it has anything to do with age during which you were introduced to them

Some of my friends are put off by a movie (or show) just because it is set in the 50s (Mad Men which is amazing) If I tell them there’s a great show about advertising and it’s rated so well they’ll be super interested but decide to not watch it because of the time it was set in They don’t mind Game of Thrones / 300 etc (maybe because it is action? Or the graphics are good? Or it’s “grand”?) Tashkent Files (Hindi investigative journalism movie) Sure! But All the President’s Men? Nope :( Knives out? Let’s go! Rear Window? Nah If it’s not an action movie, they won’t watch old movies / set in olden times I know that the plot is sometimes simpler and music and effects aren’t the best if the movies itself is old Has anyone been in a similar situation? For me personally, I only liked feel good movies / comedies till I was 13-14 yo I think and then I was introduced to some movies which were entertaining, not preachy but still had substance and meaning beyond just making the audience feel good like Life is Beautiful and Anand (Hindi) (making good content in any genre is a very tough job and I love watching almost all kinds of movies and respect them, not trying to belittle any genre) I must admit that I don’t like action movies a lot but I’ve started trying - I liked Die Hard, Fast and Furious

Any good movies that changed your attitude towards old movies?

Do you think that if you are not introduced to certain types of movies before a certain age, most people are not open to exploring new kind of movies?

submitted by /u/RaspberryColalala
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