thoughts on Krull (1983, Columbia Pictures)?

I didn't like it. I don't like to sound like a negative asshole or anything. I mean, I like most of the movies I've seen, you could consider me a more easily entertained person, but Krull just didn't do it for me. I think it has a lot of really cool ideas. I mean, aliens invading a mideval planet, come on that is so unique. I was very intrigued when I heard about it, but the movie itself failed to impress me. It was boring, like 75% of the movie was just the good guys walking through forests. And I didn't really understand it; like why did the aliens even abduct the princess? If there was a reason I didn't catch it.

To my understanding, most people that like Krull are people that grew up in the 80s and saw Krull as a kid. I on the other hand am currently 19 and never even heard of krull until a couple months ago so it didn't even have any nostalgic value to me.

"Oh you're younger so you can't appreciate older movies" no. There's a lot of 80s movies I like. I'd say the 80s was the best decade of live action movies. Conan The Barbarian, The Terminator, Aliens, Highlander, RoboCop, Predator, Willow (just to name some sci-fi and fantasy examples to keep it relevant) and there's some movies from before the 80s that I like. But Krull failed to impress me.

It was just good ideas put into a half-assed movie. I'm sorry but Krull just didn't do it for me.

submitted by /u/MammothGeneral55
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