What movies have mysterious and unexplained (sometimes natural) phenomena that furthers the plot?

Have you ever noticed that some movies rely on mysterious elements in nature to help further the plot?

Frankenstein's monster came to life due to the mysterious power of harnessing lightning. Lightning seems to be a popular element across many Frankenstein films.

Star Trek Captains Kirk and Picard met each other in a naturally occurring time ribbon called The Nexus.

Father and son are able to talk with each other through the same Ham Radio forty years apart due to the mysterious properties of the northern lights (or was it a solar flare?) in Frequency.

What others movies use this sort of mechanism? Something that occurs in nature, either real or made up, has no explanation as to how it functions, and allows our story to push forward?

submitted by /u/SatansMoisture
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/wb6t9g/what_movies_have_mysterious_and_unexplained/
