The Shining

So, today I finished reading Stephen King novel and decided that I should watch the movie. I knew that movie was based on the book, or I thought it would be... First of all I was shocked how different movie and book are. Jack is evil from the start, Wendy seems to be scared of her own shadow, Hallorann is just dead, and list goes on.

Of course there are some things that I liked, for example: including Grady daughters. And a lot of people say it's one of the greatest horror movies ever created, but I just don't know, I have mixed feelings. It wasn't that scary, but there was a lot of evil vibes, and sometimes it was uncomfortable to watch. Maybe I have mixed feelings about this movie because I recently read the book, and I hoped that it would be just like that. Maybe after some time I will rewatch it and change my opinion, but right now you can throw rock at me, but I didn't liked it.

So what do you think of this movie? Why you like/dislike it?

submitted by /u/Kamilioze
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