who are your favourite directors and why?

Hi everyone, I was wondering if you guys might tell me your favourite directors and why you like them. My three favourite directors are:

Quentin Tarantino. I love his ability to write dialogue in movies and you may have seen me raving about him on this sub recently. Inglorious Bastards is my favourite Tarantino movie.

Guillermo del Toro. There is no director out there that can compete visually with GDT. His movies are always beautiful and usually pretty eerie too. Pans Labyrinth is my favourite del Toro

James Gunn. Maybe the most controversial here but no one can deny his talent. Any movie would be safe in his hands and he finds ways of adding dark humour that works instead of just edgy crap. My favourite Gunn movie is Guardians of the Galaxy V1 but Slither is a close second.

submitted by /u/Skeptical_Goat
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/vm56sc/who_are_your_favourite_directors_and_why/
