Saw Baz Luhrmann's Elvis at an advanced screening last night.

Enjoyed the movie but Moulin Rouge! is a guilty pleasure of mine. Transitions and a lot of the style is very Baz Luhrmann, location changes are a spectacle unto themselves and a lot of the performance scenes and events are an ADHD fever dream. The film is told primarily from the perspective of Tom Hanks's Col. Tom Parker which works well enough but can get a bit distracting. Austin Butler maintains his Elvis impression well enough that it never felt too distracting or like watching an impersonator. If you enjoyed The Great Gatsby, Moulin Rouge! or are just an Elvis fan you'll enjoy the film. I found it more entertaining than Bohemian Rhapsody was and it didn't feel as long as the runtime suggest. Make no mistake it is a long movie but it flies through a lot of information very quickly, reminds me more of the older cradle to the grave bio pics. The handling of his inspiration is done well showing how a great many of his songs were originally by African American artist that could never hope to have the kind of success he enjoyed. Additionally it tries to maintain a respectful tone but doesn't omit his family relationships, drug use, and failing health at the end of his life. Thankfully they only use a fat suit for a short scene at the end. Overall it's not the best biopic but I found it enjoyable and worth a watch. I did see it for free though and my wife is a huge Elvis fan so definitely biased on that.

submitted by /u/hawki92
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