Religious Cloverfeild Knock Off

I remember when I was a bit younger I watched a pretty meh movie with my family, was early 2010s, couldn't have been any later than 2016 I think. Was found footage I think and the best way I can describe it was cloverfeild but instead of giant monsters and shit, it's the rapture with demons and shit. Not one for religious films then or now I don't know why it has sat in the back of my mind, especially as I remember it not being great, but it has and now I was thinking it would be funny to re watch and maybe do a silly review vid making fun of it and comparing it to cloverfeild but have no clue what it was called. Any ideas on a name? I know it's not a lot of info but I'm assuming someone will hear that description and it will just click and they will know the name.

submitted by /u/Money_Builder560
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