Movies With Plane Scenes Where Nothing Bad Happens?

I'm going on an across country flight soon, 5 hours. Here's the thing, though. I have a huge fear of flying. From the moment I sit down to the moment until I exit the plane I am in panic mode.

I know the statistics, I've heard them a million times, it doesn't help. I can't help but picture all the movie scenes where something bad happens on a plane. From snake attacks, to terrorism, to pilot error, to the plane just breaking it all haunts and terrifies me.

So please, tell me movies that have plane scenes where nothing bad happens. It could be the most boring scene ever, I don't care. I just need a calm, relaxing scene where characters are on a plane and everything goes perfectly fine.

The only movie I can think of at the time is Last Holiday where Queen Latifah gets put up to first class and that's it. Please give me more comforting plane scenes to think about while flying.

submitted by /u/ParanormalBeluga
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