Wushu movies potential is lost in modern times?

Edit: "Wuxia" is the name, as pointed out in the comments.

I recently watched the highway scene from Matrix Reloaded. Sure, it's not exactly a Wuxia movie, but it has a lot of the elements of a Wuxia movie. The wire works, the kung fu, and so forth. It's really a superb part of an otherwise mediocre movie.

I haven't seen movies like Hero and Crouching Tiger in quite a while, but, if my memory serves me right, as great as they are there were still quite a few times when I thought "yeah, that looks fake". That made me think - imagine how great they could make them today with a substantial enough budget, and with a team that knows the value of using CGI only to cover the blemishes of practical effects.

Yet, I can't remember the last time I really saw it. The new Matrix seems really rushed, and focuses more on CGI "push power" than well choreographed martial arts, and Chang Shi started out great, then dropped more into quite the ugly CGI fest.

(I haven't seen Everything everywhere all at once, so I'm not sure how it fits the genre)

It seems this is prime time, where technology has evolved far enough since the early 2000's to make superb Wuxia movies, yet I can't think of any wide release ones in modern time. Why do you think that is, and do you think there is still a market for it - and more than that: is there a movie I have missed/forgot which contradicts this post?

submitted by /u/Ganonsmurf
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/uxnf2i/wushu_movies_potential_is_lost_in_modern_times/
