Phase 2 of the streaming age sucks

I'm a traditional man, I do not stream anything but YT. I had cable most of my adult life, but cut the cord 5 years ago.

I like movies a lot. I used to go to theatres a lot.

When streaming became trendy, DVDs became dirt cheap and I was able to build up a very decent movie collection, BD also got affordable at one point, but frankly, I don't really see the point of recent screen resolution upgrades.

I noticed the warning articles a few years back about prices for multiple services getting higher than regular cable service, warnings that became true.

Now since streaming services have a need for content and major studios starting their own platforms, multiple subscriptions are needed and a lot of shit content is produced. A lot is below par quality, leading to less money available per movies.

It's costing more for shittier content. That's my old man rant. The few quality products are now spread on multiple overpriced services .

submitted by /u/FrenchMaisNon
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