Good Mourning with Machine Gun Kelly is the worst movie I've seen so far this year

Going into this I knew it wasn't going to be a masterpiece or anything, yet I couldn't have been prepared for what is one of the worst stoner comedies I've ever seen. Everything about this movie is just awful from the directing, acting, jokes etc. Hell, it even has some of the worst editing and comedic timing I've ever seen in a comedy. You know how people say Adam Sandler comedies are just him and his buddies making an excuse to hangout? This is that, but with even less talent invovled and cranked up to 10x. Almost every joke in the movie is a dick or weed joke that has been pulled out of the bottom of the barrel. If you are someone who wants to make sure you catch the worst of the worst when it comes to movies by year, make sure you don't miss this one.

submitted by /u/SteppingStonez1998
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