Check out Unlawful Entry for a great thriller with Kurt Russell and Ray Liotta

1992 thriller about a couple who install a security system in their home after a break in with the help of a seemingly friendly cop, but the cop is slowly revealed to be a psychopath who begins to stalk the couple. After the success of Fatal Attraction it seems these type of thrillers were all the rage. Thrillers involving stalking, obsession, and usually a seemingly nice person integrating themselves into a couple or families lives before their true psychopathic selves are revealed. Unlawful Entry came out the same year as similar movies The Hand that Rocks the Cradle and Single White Female and after films like Pacific Heights and the Cape Fear remake. This movie was a solid hit in the summer of 1992 but seems to be forgotten about (it doesn't even have a Blu ray release). Overall, it is one of the better movies of this genre. The tension is palpable right from the beginning and continues in the films entire nearly two hour run time. Kurt Russell does great work here as an everyman who is charismatic but still very human. He played a similar role in Breakdown a few years later. Ray Liotta of course steals the show as the psycopath cop. His does a great job being friendly and caring and showing why Russell and Stowe would trust and befriend him but also showing him slowly coming apart and becoming obsessive, likely due to what he has seen in his past. If you haven't seen this one definitely check it out. Unfortunately there is no Blu ray release and the current digital release is clearly from an old print as it looks kind of crappy. Scream Factory or Arrow need to get this movie and new collector's edition with remastered picture and bonus features. Get on it!

submitted by /u/JannTosh12
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