Movies where the original is better than the Director's Cut or Special Edition

Now we've had a lot of alternate cuts of movies over the years. Some of them make major alterations like Zac Synder's Justice League or Once Upon a Time in America. Other's the changes are a little more minor like Alien the Director's cut or Picnic at Hanging Rock the Director's Cut. Personally I think the best alternate cut in history is Apocalypse Now Redux. That was a GREAT film made even GREATER. But what about the alternate cuts that actually hurt their films.

I got 3.

1.JFK. Def one of Stone's best films. And it's pretty long in the original cut. But for some reason Stone wanted an even LONGER version. The few extra scenes don't add much to the plot. The film already HAS way to much plot. The extra scenes also go a little overboard showing how everyone else was trying to stop the Jim Garrison. If you've seen the film, you know what I'm talking about.

  1. The Warriors. Very simple, those comic book transitions added NOTHING to the film.

3 The Exorcist 3. One of the very few films where producer interference helped. It's interesting seeing Blatty's original version or as close as we could get to to it but I can def see why the studio wanted changes. Blatty's version is just so SLOW and so Talky. And yes the exorcism in the original sort of comes out of nowhere but it was still a pretty cool climax. In Blatty's version the climax was Very underwhelming.

What about You?

submitted by /u/Real_Paramedic_1789
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