Movie Rules

Even if you are in the middle of the city in the middle of the day in the middle of the week, there will be a parking space directly in front of the building you are going to

You never have to pay for food or drinks but you don't get to eat or drink them

If you are in a fancy restaurant having a romantic dinner with a woman, something will make her mad and she will storm out. You are then obligated to throw a random wad of bills on the table and leave without ordering

The 10 thousand numbers in the 555 exchange are enough for every phone on earth

Your cellphone will know when you urgently need it and lose signal

When the boss needs to see you right away, you're fired

Don't worry if you are attacked by a gang of assailants. They will come after you one at a time while the rest dance in place

submitted by /u/mister_bobdobalina
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