Movie aspect ratio question

It’s an annoying thing to browse through movies and notice the aspect ratio has been changed but over the years I noticed that imo they change for the better some times !?

I’m using the movie equilibrium as an example today but feel free to insert any movie title.

I see it on hbo and noticed that it was in the 2:35 ratio so I went to my Blu-ray from years ago and surely it was 1:78. Quickly I did a search and it’s native is 2:35.

I was confused. After all it didn’t seem like mine was stretched out of missing film by zooming. I would notice.

Side by side my Blu-ray literally just adds the top and bottom. How does this exist in my Blu-ray and if it’s not all stretched out and missing film wouldn’t it just be better to include more picture. I enjoy the Blu-ray over the hbo version.

Thoughts ?

submitted by /u/Broken-Link
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