Movie recommendations for a movie "novice"

Ok, to cut a long story short I am real noob when it comes to movies. It is most likely down to my inability to sit still as I am quite fidgety at times meaning my ability to stay concentrated can be tough and lose interest, but once I am engrossed in something interesting that is blowing me away, I am good to go.

Don't get me wrong, I will happily sit through them and watch them and actually enjoy quite a lot. My favorite films are any of the LOTR franchise, Shawshank Redemption, Star Wars franchise, Alien, The Island, About Time and Ex-Machina just to name a few and even dive into childhood favorites like Pixar films and family classics.

I would love to get into to chilling after a long day of work and immerse myself in a good movie but don't know where to start. I know there are some EXCELLENT films out there and would love to hear what you film buffs have got as recommendations for movies I 100% watch for someone trying to get into them more.

Would love to hear your thoughts! (sorry if this isn't in the right place)

submitted by /u/FutileFellow
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