Francis Ford Coppola is a pedophile apologist

In 1986, a filmmaker named Victor Salva made a short film called "Something In The Basement". It starred Nathan Forrest Winters--whose family was friends with Salva--and another young boy named Brian Mchugh .

The film was screened at a film festival with Francis Ford Coppola as one of the jurors. Coppola liked the short and hired Salva to make a feature film.

In 1987, Coppola and Salva made "Clownhouse" which starred Nathan and Brian. During filming, some of the cast and crew of that film noticed that the interactions between Nathan and Salva wasn't appropriate and went to Nathan's mom.

Nathan told his mother that Salva had been sexually abusing him for 6 years and his mother immediately called the police.

After Salva was arrested, the police found video tapes of Salva abusing Nathan and other boys. The police also found tapes of Brian Mchugh taking showers in Salva's bathroom (Salva had hidden the video camera in a laundry basket full of clothes).

After Salva was arrested he was crying to Coppola about having to go to jail, and Coppola comforted him by telling him that "this experience will make you a better artist".

Coppola sued Nathan's family for $5 million and told Nathan to his face that he will never work in the industry again.

Coppola publicly defended Salva by saying that the age difference between the two of them was "minimal" and that Salva was "practically a kid himself". Nathan was 6 when the abuse began and Salva was in his early twenties. In his mind, the age difference between a 6 year old and a man in his early twenties is "minimal".

Coppola would later produce the first 2 Jeepers Creepers movies which were both directed by Salva.

submitted by /u/Milburn182
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