What's the worst genre movie you've ever seen?

What's the worst movie you've ever seen for each genre? (EDIT: I'm not asking what the worst genre is, I'm asking what the worst example of each genre is. Apparently I wrote my post in a confusing way.)

I was just watching an episode of Law & Order and suddenly started wondering if it was the worst courtroom drama I've ever seen. (Also, every American should watch the UK version of Law & Order. Watching the classic L&O melodrama, preaching and DUN DUNs is hilarious when everyone is wearing a powdered wig.) Then I started wondering about the worst police procedural and then I wound up here.

So whatya got? What makes your brain pack up and leave the room?

What's the worst movie in these categories?




Morality Play



Police procedural



Science Fiction

Dinosaurs / monster movies

Science Fantasy












I don't know about you guys, but my brain collapses at the possibilities. There's an action movie called Gymkata that is just magical in how terrible it is (truly, you need to watch it if you want to see Turkish ninjas, crazy villagers, random arrows, terrible line deliveries, strange political subtexts, odd chanting, salt mines and a buttload of backflips). I remember seeing a Jaws rip-off called "Orca" in which an angry killer whale attacks and blows up a town. I remember a Charlton Heston movie called "Skinheads" in which a bunch of Nazi campers invade the woods or something and only Heston can save democracy. I also remember some low-budget dinosaur movies that were actually close to being good. I wish I could remember anything about them, I'd love to see them again. (I remember a terrible Dinosaur movie called "Baby". My five-year-old self wasted a bunch of film taking close-up pictures of the TV screen thinking I could sell them as real and make millions. The photos came back blown out and my parents took away my camera privileges. Fucking dinosaur movie.)

I'd especially love to hear your suggestions for worst documentary, musical, etc. You know, the stuff that you don't really hear about unless it's good (or has CGI cat buttholes). And I'm REALLY curious what your worst morality play is.

submitted by /u/JBredditaccount
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/t0hnvl/whats_the_worst_genre_movie_youve_ever_seen/
