What was a special „movie moment“ with your kids?

Today i saw school of rock with my five year old. He is a big rock fan, so i thought it would be a great movie for him. I last saw the film when it came out almost 20 years ago( couldn’t believe it either) and i loved it. I forgot how great the movie is and how Jack Black just killed it. My son was so excited. He loved the movie.

It was just perfect. he didn’t noticed, but I even had to cry a little in the end, because i was so happy to watch it with him and see his excitement and hearing him laughing. It is so great as a dad to see that my son enjoys things as much as i do. Can’t wait to see lord of the rings with him( i planned that already when my wife got pregnant. I haven‘t watched it in 6 years and i guess i have to wait another 6 years… ok maybe 4) I am also looking forward to so many other great movies, like Harry Potter, Jurrasic Park, Forest Gump…

What was your special movie moment with your kids? ( of course i have many other great moments with my kids, which doesn‘t include a television, like making music, nature stuff or traveling, but today got me very emotional)

submitted by /u/finnscho1991
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/sfp247/what_was_a_special_movie_moment_with_your_kids/
