What sci-fi movie really pissed you off?

For me it was Star Trek: Into Darkness. Abrams complete bastard child of the Trek universe was completely ignorant of basic scientific knowledge and moved so fast to try and get you to not notice it. Here are a few things I noticed the first time watching it.

  1. If you watch Star Trek you know of the "Prime Directive" the Golden rule of Star Fleet that is above all law. No outside interference with the normal development of society. Its meant to protect Star fleet and the federation from fucking things up with underdeveloped societies and races. So them being on that planet at the beginning is a direct violation of the prime directive, even though spock spouts off about it while already on the planet.

  2. Cold fusion creates heat. So a Cold Fusion bomb wouldn't stop a volcano.

  3. Why do they warp directly into danger instead of a few hundred thousand kilometers away from it?

  4. Why do Tribble's have human blood?

  5. Why did they need Khans blood when they had all his friends on the ship?

I'm sure I missed a bunch but I don't care enough about the movie to watch it again and see if I can't catch more things wrong with it.

submitted by /u/PaperyWhistle
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/scky2q/what_scifi_movie_really_pissed_you_off/
