Movies you walked out on in the theater

The title pretty much says it all. What movies have you paid for to see in the theater and ended up walking out before the end? More importantly, why did you do it? Was it because the film was so bad you couldn’t stand it, the audience was being annoying, a specific scene triggered a reaction in you that made it so you simply couldn’t finish the film or anything else?

I personally have walked out of two films in my life. I walked out of Drive in 2011 because there was a group of teens in the audience who I can only imagine expected Fast and Furious Whatever. They were loud and obnoxious, which was especially hindering for a film in which a lot of the mood of a scene is set by the music and a lot of stuff is not communicated through dialogue. They clearly hated the film but stayed regardless and made the experience miserable for everyone, despite being told multiple times to be quiet. After seeing an older man walk out, I decided to do the same and went back to watch the film in its entirety later that week.

The second film I walked out of was Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance. Not only was the film cringe-inducing and poor from a screenplay perspective but the editing choices ended up giving me a migraine lol.

submitted by /u/SlackMomma
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