How do so many big movies end up being mediocre despite having so much talent behind them?

I've always wondered this but I've never really understood it because it doesn't fall under the 'because money' reason.

Look at something like the Assassin's Creed movie. It features a ton of really talented actors playing major characters, it had the budget that makes decent/great CGI, sets, costumes, editing etc. possible. It also had a lot of people behind it overall, most of which I assume to be very good at what they do.

So what's the problem? Well, obviously there's no general answer because it's just a matter of an opinion, some may find the movie to be perfect, but to me it was mostly the story stuff itself.

I just don't get why that stuff happens. Many users here could probably write better stories that could be adapted into movie format so why did something like Assassin's Creed movie settle for the story it ended up having? You'd think people that write stories for a living were like the top of the class when it comes to stories.

Like, you could have adapted a different story with the movie's budget and gotten as action-packed movie with similar visuals so it's not about the money.

You could have made the movie with a smaller budget, worse visuals and less action but it could have been a better movie overall if it had a better story.

So what's the problem? Don't they make storyboards anymore? That would have shown a lot of the movie's story issues before filming the scenes. Or surely some people behind the decision to create the movie weren't the biggest fans of the script the movie settled with?

Just feels like they went with the 'meh, good enough' attitude even though I'm sure there were passionate people behind the movie.

That's just one movie but it's an awfully common problem with big movies. Of course not every movie needs to have a masterpiece sort of a script behind it and a movie can be great despite story not being the strength. For example comedies can be great despite terrible stories, but why is story so often the big issue with movies?

submitted by /u/dinosaurscantsing
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