Perks of Being a Wallflower, I'm a bit late to the Party.

I've had this movie on my radar since it came out on 2012 but for some reason I never watched it or read the book.

Not sure when it came to Netflix but when I saw it there, a jolt of happiness hit me. I didn't remember the broad strokes of what the film was besides a "Coming of age film". Now, I'm 50, probably not the correct demographic? (Yes, I am)

I watched it last week. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Charlie, Sam, Patrick and Mary-Elizabeth. (Why do they always leave Mae Whitman out when talking about the movie?)

I was Charlie in school. Except, I never met these 3 people who whisked me off into such incredible adventures. My best friend in early High School WAS an English teacher.

For the last week I've been watching youtube reviews and interviews during the time the film came out.

Charlie alone in the cafeteria, going up to Patrick at the football game, inching his way onto the dance floor at the High School dance. The guts he showed. We all know the famous lines "You get the love you think you deserve". "Infinity"

This movie crushed me over and over again. I cried many times. I suppose my point of view was living vicariously through Charlie. Now, of course, he went through horribly traumatic events leading to where he is at the start of the movie.

People nitpick about Emma Watson's accent. Who gives a rats ass. I loved her in this. Perfect casting, writing, cinematography and direction.

The last 15 to 20 minutes are tough to watch but we get an amazing scene to close it out.

I know people have talked this movie and book to death but I still thought I'd share my reactions.

This movie wrapped issues of physical and sexual abuse with PTSD of these traumas together in a package I will never forget.

It's hard to put into words a review of this movie that has me still feeling things I haven't felt in years.

One question I have: They're wearing contemporary clothes but there are no cell phones, they use mix tapes, what era is this supposed to be?

submitted by /u/mulder00
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