Painful moments in your favourite movies

What are some awfully painful moments in some of your favourite movies/franchises that made you cringe and look away from the TV/computer screen the first time you saw them? Here's my top 3:

  • Jurassic Park III (2001): the female raptor crushes Udesky's spine with her sickle claw. I feel that, for an actually likable character, this was an unnecessarily painful thing to endure. And the poor guy wasn't even dead yet...the raptors just let him there to suffer for a while before finishing him off with a neck break. But that breaking the spine moment, combined with him screaming in agony...geez.

  • King Kong (2005): Kong breaks the V.rex's jaw and crushes its skull. Given how much of a dinosaur fan I was when I first saw this film (I still am to this day), not only did it terrify me and made me cringe, but also upset and saddened me. I know the dinos were the villains there, but I almost felt Kong was being a dick here. Poor dino whining in pain almost made me cry when I was young. This particular moment still makes me tremble to this day and I'm 20 years old now so...yeah.

  • IT (2017): Pennywise rips off Georgie's arm. Holy Jesus Christ did the poor kid really deserve such a gruesome way to go? What makes it worse is that, in the book, Pennywise doesn't even eat Georgie. Just lets him bleed to death on the street. It didn't even rip off the boy's arm from the shoulder joint, but just shattered his humerus and ripped it off from halfway down. Not to mention that this is likely the first time I've ever seen a small child die on screen in any kind of movie, horror or otherwise. This really couldn't be skipped as it's essentially the key element of the entire plot of the original work by King, but damn is it gory. Also, it's really sad seeing such a small and cute, innocent child getting torn apart like this. I guess never talk to drooling sewer-lurking clowns...

Anyways, what are your picks and why?

Also, merry Christmas everyone!

submitted by /u/Pennywise_2405
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