Looking for Movies Similar to Pulp Fiction (1994), Prisoners (2013), or Whiplash (2014). Here's 20 Movies That May Scratch That Itch.

Below is a list of 40 movies. The 20 movies on the left are from r/Movies Top 250. The 20 movies on the right is a similar movie you may not have seen that is pretty similar and therefore may also enjoy.

I broke the list down into a few genres to make it easier to read.

Hopefully this list helps you discover at least a couple good movies you have never seen before. If you can think of any other good movie pairings please share them in the comments!


  • Zodiac > Memories of Murder (03)
  • Prisoners > The Pledge (01)
  • Mystic River > Sleepers (96)
  • The Departed > Narc (02)
  • Memento > Following (98)


  • Pulp Fiction > Thursday (98)
  • Reservoir Dogs > Go (99)
  • The Godfather > Miller’s Crossing (90)
  • Snatch > Intermission (03)
  • In Bruges > Six Shooter (04) - short film


  • Interstellar > Contact (97)
  • Looper > Possessor (20)


  • Whiplash > The Novice (21)
  • Fight Club > Art of Self Defense (19)
  • Short Term 12 > Manic (01)
  • Manchester by the Sea > You Can Count on Me (00)
  • Rounders > Mississippi Grind (15)
  • Spotlight > All the President’s Men (76)


  • Superbad > Booksmart (2019)
  • Groundhog Day > Palm Springs (20)
submitted by /u/moneygrabber007
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/rqm1nu/looking_for_movies_similar_to_pulp_fiction_1994/
