Clerks (1994)

This is available on Amazon Prime for the next 48 hours or so, so I decided now would be a good time to finally watch this. And I’m glad I did - it’s pretty funny. It’s kind of like a 90 minute Seinfeld episode. The whole thing is just conversations about usually pretty trivial stuff between people who are amusingly apathetic to the world around them (before it starts going off the rails in the third act, also kind of like Seinfeld).

There’s not much of a plot. It’s mainly structured as a series of sketches, but that actually works, I think. Not every joke lands, which is bound to happen, but the structure makes it not really matter because it actually moves fairly quickly for something so laid-back. Every couple minutes something new is happening, so it keeps you engaged pretty well.

I could definitely see some people not liking it. I love dialogue-driven stuff like this when it’s well-written (which this is), but some people just can’t get into it regardless, which I understand. But for me, this was a fun little distraction to sit back and relax with for an hour and a half. I plan on watching the rest of the little universe Kevin Smith set up starting with this to see how they compare but is there anything else you guys would recommend since I liked this?

submitted by /u/movieguy2004
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