I have been getting into old Hollywood movies for a while and I just learned about Carole Lombart’s death

I have been getting into old Hollywood movies lately and I’ve been bingeing especially on the 1940’s, I’ve watched a lot of film noir, horror and some screwballs comedies. There’s something about old Hollywood that feels so cozy for m.

Tonight I watched Mr and Mrs Smith by Hitchcock from 1941 because after seeing too many film noirs, I needed a palate cleanser and some comedy. It was my first time watching a Carole Lombart movie. Of course her name is familiar but I never learned about her before seeing her in that movie. It was my first time watching a movie starring her, so I was pretty excited!

Her character was so willful and hilarious! It was a great comedy, a nice touch for Hitchcock. I enjoyed it a lot. I don’t understand why screwball comedy didn’t get more movies and kinda died down after a while.

Anyway back to Carole Lombart. After watching the movie and loving her performance so much, I decided to google her and I learned it was her second to last movie before she died in 1942 aged 33 in a plane crash.

Im sharing this here because none of my friends care about old black and white movies and celebrities that have been dead for 80 years, so there’s no one I could share my sudden wave of sadness with. Can anyone relate?

It feels so tragic to die so young and talented.

Tomorrow I’ll watch her last movie, To Be or Not To Be and after I’m done with the forties, I’ll be sure to catch up on my Carole Lombart movies!

Édit : of course it’s Carole Lombard, so sorry for offending everyone

submitted by /u/StormEarhart
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/r5xpyp/i_have_been_getting_into_old_hollywood_movies_for/
