[DISCUSSION] Just rewatched The Matrix trilogy, and it holds up incredibly well.

Clunky, expository dialogue aside, the lore, world-building and narrative progression through the trilogy is still captivating and really builds upon itself very well. The action sequences are well ahead of their time (thank the Lord for no shaky cam), most of the CGI still holds up really well, and as a minor note, the inclusive, multiracial cast doesn't come off as tokenistic either. It's really quite incredible that this movie series came about at the turn of the millennium.

I remember being obsessed with it as a teenager when it first came out, and not really grasping all the philosophy and computer/programming/philosophical analogies, but now as an adult living in a truly digital age, it's an even more timely story to connect with (also considering Zuckerberg's recent metaverse announcement) Just made me even more excited for Matrix 4!!

submitted by /u/singularityengine
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/qk00b4/discussion_just_rewatched_the_matrix_trilogy_and/
