Moonrise Kingdon, a comedy movie about 2 kids who runs away to meet. Features unusual pair of well known actors Bill Murray and Bruce Willis
The 2 famous actors here is an unusual combination. One best known for comedy like Ghostbuster, Caddyshack, and Stripes. Other is usually known in adventure movies like Die Hard series and Fifth Element.
Overall the movie seemed funny and worth watching if you liked either of the 2 actors, liked comedy, or liked adventures with kids. The movie takes place in mid 1960s so many things like cars, record players, and clothing would seem dated by today's standard.
When the 2 kids Sam and Suzy ran away, a few adults and several boys from scout clubs were involved in the search. a few of the boys got injured trying to find the runaways but the actual injuries are almost never shown. If there was one thing I didn't like about the movie, that poor dog. You'll know what I mean if you saw the movie.
One of the unusual feature of this movie is how the camera is used. The camera's movement seems intentionally stiff with limited angles and odd pan from room to room or scene to scenes. It's as if the camera operator is only allowed to use truck, pedestal, and dolly to move the camera.
Little blood or gore, a bit of exposed undergarment on the beach, lots of awkwardness between Sam and Suzy
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