Does Rambo 3 originally end with the title card "dedicated to the brave Mujaheddin fighters of Afghanistan" or has it always been "dedicated to the gallent people of Afghanistan" ?

Recently I discovered that the former is a urban myth or hoax. When i search for it online to see in video I cant find a single video with the Mujahedin, but there are countless videos showing the gallant fighters. There are also videos on youtube showing original vhs from the time and news paper articles saying "gallant people". however on the Rambo Wiki and on the wikipedia page it says it was originally "brave mujaheddin", but on the Wikipedia it also says " Some commentators have stated that the dedication at the end of the film has been altered at various points in response to the September 11 attacks. Specifically an urban myth claims that the dedication was (at one point) "to the brave Mujaheddin fighters" and then later changed to "to the gallant people of Afghanistan". Reviews of the film upon its release and later publications show that the film was always dedicated "to the gallant people of Afghanistan".

there are also academic books saying it was mujaheddin

1 - should be sharing the page it says the line


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