Whats that horror movie called?

I saw it as a young kid so maybe late 90’s early 2000’s . What I remember from the plot is there are these adults that are getting reaped by these black creatures from some other dimension. When these adults were kids they were marked by these creatures to be reaped later as adults. As kids everything was rationalized as just bad nightmares. The lead protagonist is a blonde woman who tries to evade from being reaped. The final scene of the movie one of her friends is looking for her and looks in a closet to see it looks empty, but the camera jumps to within the closet to show the protagonist girl is trapped inside this alternate dimension where these creatures live/have taken her to. As her friend closes the closet door you see these black creatures begin to devour her. The credits then roll. The movie played on tv late at night I can’t remember any other details (possible i may have misremembered some). Anyone have any idea what this movie is?

One of scene i remember now is they actually find on someones body the mark left by the creatures as they were kids, they pull it out, it kinda looked like a long black needle of sorts

submitted by /u/SwissBliss66
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/notkn2/whats_that_horror_movie_called/
