What is your favourite explosion in a movie?

Personally mines gotta be a tie between the big tanker explosion in Mad Max: Fury Road or the napalm strike in Apocalypse Now. I also love the freeze frame car explosion in Goodfellas.

Doesn’t have to just be based on the quality of the explosion can be great because of the context around it whether that’s the story or some great acting or something. Funny, exciting, terrifying or just awesome anything counts.

There are plenty of great ones though from Die Hard to The Matrix to Dr. Strangelove or that cool one at the start of Demolition Man. Interested to see which ones I’ve forgotten.

submitted by /u/lxsadnax
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/npev3d/what_is_your_favourite_explosion_in_a_movie/
