In Defense of the First Hour of “Mandy” (2018)

I always see comments about how the first hour of the film takes a long time to get going. Or that it’s flat out boring.

But I consider the first hour two halves.

The first one that’s ethereal and plays into the mundane and beautiful life both Mandy and Red have built for themselves.

And the second being a descent into the dark hole that is the Cult led by of a failed singer (Jeremiah is indeed not a righteous man)

Without these two halves of the First hour, the Second hour where Red goes batshit insane to get revenge wouldn’t have the same impact.

And let’s not forget regardless of what people think of the first hour. I think everybody can agree Johann Johansson (RIP) knocked it out of the park with a great Original Score that elevates the material on the screen.

submitted by /u/PALERIDE155
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