If Christopher Nolan and Denis Villeneuve are 'cold' directors, lacking emotional warmth in their movies, who is a 'warm' director?

I think most people would agree both of these directors as well as others, focus more on the plot and have a clinical approach to their movies. If that's the case, then there must be the opposite kind as well, 'warm' directors that heavily focus on sympathetic characters, emotional heart and generally creating 'feeling' in the audience over making a technically well-crafted movie.

An example of this is James Cameron. I think his movies are character-focused, emotionally touching and overall 'warm'. Although you might complain about story flaws in Avatar, his films have an underlying sense of hope, comradery and gung-ho attitude. All of his movies contain some technical brilliance, but its the pure entertainment value in his films that makes them enjoyable.

submitted by /u/Owent10
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/nnul5t/if_christopher_nolan_and_denis_villeneuve_are/
