Thoughts on the newly released Without Remorse (Spoilers)

Stayed up late so I could watch it as soon as it was available on Amazon Prime. Came away with mixed feelings. I'm going to ignore the fact that it has very little to do with the book it's apparently based on beyond some character names and just try to assess the film on its own merits.

It's well shot with some nice cinematography and cool scenes throughout the movie. Acting across the board is pretty solid, although I don't think it's really a film that demands much emotional range, so in that respect it probably doesn't matter much.

The biggest problem I had with the movie revolves around the script and plot. I went in with just the expectation of hopefully getting a solid action thriller, so I don't think I set my sights too high, but I found the plot to be quite loose and unfocused. The third act was by far the weakest with the most generic and predictable of reveals. I don't know who'd I necessarily lay the blame at for that, but interestingly I found my feelings toward the movie's plot structure mirrored those of Sicario 2, which was directed by the same guy and also had the same writer (Although two writers are credited on Without Remorse).

The first two acts had my attention, even though there's the odd scene that doesn't really seem to contribute to the overall story at all beyond watching Jordan beat up a load of prison guards for five minutes before he's just taken out of prison again. But I kept waiting for it to come together in the third act, and it just never really does. Even the final major setpiece was kind of underwhelming to me. Despite how well many of the scenes are executed, it just doesn't hang together nicely.

There's also the obligatory Rainbow Six sequel bait in a post credits scene.

There's a lot of stuff I appreciated in the movie, but as a fan of these kinds of films and of Taylor Sheridian, I couldn't help but feel a little underwhelmed by the end of it.

I'd be glad to hear anyone else's thoughts!

submitted by /u/Napoleon64
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