Pink Floyd – The Wall, 1982

Dir. - Alan Parker

DP - Peter Biziou

I wanted to put these guys' credits upfront because 100% of this movie is Pink Floyd. But these guys, and many other guys and gals, made a really amazing movie!

I would put The Wall in my top 10 best movies ever list. (that list does include like 100 films ha) But for real I would.

It's so interesting, so well shot, sounds so good, the acting is great... and it's a really amazing cautionary tale.

Very unique.

Especially based on a concept rock album!

It's amazing something that started so special evolved into an amazing film.

There are some really cool breakdowns of this film online if you search - really getting into the metaphors and everything that's going on.

This movie transcends music and film. does a really good job breaking this movie down!

(no promo)

submitted by /u/film_is_the_best
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