Anyone else absolutely LOVE The Lost World?!

Similar to Spielberg’s other sequel Temple of Doom, it might not be as good as the original, but it’s pretty close! The opening is freaky with a kid getting attacked, (even if she lives) Goldblum while not as relaxed as he previously was is still such a unconventional lead it’s disappointing he didn’t do more action. While he’s smart and sarcastic, he can still get physical and brave when he needs to. And isn’t overly muscular! The T.Rex attack now with two is almost as suspenseful! Getting pushed over the cliff, Sarah barley escaping the glass, then poor Eddy doing everything to save them only to die doing it is so sad but very ballsy. The chase through the woods into the water fall is fun, followed by the long grass and the attack in the rundown camp is all nail biting... OK the gymnastics routine is still dumb but no more then Lex’s hacking and at least Kelly isn’t overly annoying like most movie kids. And I know people always complain about the T.Rex in San Diego being out of place but man it’s still so fun! How can you not enjoy it?! It’s a dinosaur crashing a city! I just always get such a joy out of watching it and it’s WAY more entertaining then Fallen Kingdom. An entire hour in a mansion still isn’t as fun as twenty minutes in San Diego.

submitted by /u/seveer37
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